I painted both chairs for $40.00 instead of reupholstering them myself. If I found material for $10 a yard, I would've needed 5 yards for one chair, making the material itself cost me $100.00. This doesn't count my time ripping both chairs apart and putting it back together.
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1 Quart Behr battleship grey paint
Add 2-8 oz. bottles of fabric textile medium from Hobby Lobby
(mix it really good)
The chairs with the first coat of paint on them
Let it completely dry
2nd coat of paint
I sanded the chair material down after it was completely dried. It gave it a soft feeling to the chair.
Put a third coat on the chair, let it completely dry, and sand it down once again to give it that soft feeling you'd want to sit down and relax on. I also sanded down the feet to the chair, painted them white, and glazed them with a dark brown stain to give them an antiqued look.
All done.
I love sitting here!!