I've seen other Disney Princess cover-ups and loved the idea of them, but not exactly the design of them. So I came up with one that I thought fit what I had in mind. A more authentic copy cat to the original Princess' dress.
To start off I got some towels in the colors which closely matched the Princess' Dress. The white and light blue towels were not used for the Snow White cover-up, I am going to make a Cinderella cover-up next with those two colors. So needed for the Snow White cover-up you'll need a bright yellow, dark red, and navy blue full size towel. Also, a yellow ribbon.
Cut two pieces matching the picture below. I copied the size from a 2T sized shirt. Sew these two pieces together along the dotted lines.
Cut out 4 pieces that look similar to the blue piece below and 10 pieces similar to the red piece. Sew 2 sets of 2 blue pieces together to form a sleeve along the dotted lines. Heat seal and sew 5 red pieces onto each sleeve.
Pin and sew the sleeves onto the first piece you sewed.
I sewed my red pieces on after I attached the sleeves. But I think it would be faster, and easier, to sew them on before the sleeve is attached to the upper piece to the cover-up.
Cut a 5 inch slit down the back of the cover-up. I cut off the bottom 2 inches of the towel so you have a clean sewn edge and attached it to the slits edges.
Sew a 1/4" hem at the edge of each sleeve and add a 1/4" thick stretchy band so you create a poofy sleeve look.
...poofy sleeve.
Down the front middle of the cover-up sew a yellow ribbon.
Sew a piece of the other end of the towel to the top neck area.
Using a 2T dress size, eye how long you want the cover-up to be. Mine was about 20" wide and 22" tall. I wanted it to be long. Pin and sew the yellow bottom to the top piece. While pinning, gather the yellow in a few different spots to pull in the extra width.
I have a hand machine to put these plastic snaps onto material. I believe I got it from Joanns for about $26.00.

And you have your finished product.
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